What’s Right For Me?

Dear Teen:

There is a lot of pressure to figure out what you want to do after high school. Especially when your family or friends may be holding high expectations for you to be something great. Having high expectations is not always a bad thing though, it can help you push yourself to try harder, or reach higher. But what if you just don’t want to do what other people think you should? How do you figure out what is right for you? You have to start by being real with yourself.  You need to explore your true interests and abilities. What do you care about? What are you good at? How do you visualize your life? Do you want to work inside or outside? Do you like numbers or words, or working with your hands. Are you a people person or tend to be more solitary. The good news is that there is a career out there for you. In fact, there are probably many. So honing in on one and moving in that direction is the first step. It’s OK if you are not 100% sure. But if you head in a direction that most appeals to you, your chances are higher that you will find something that fits and you will enjoy your career choice. Once you have a direction, you then have to think about what it will take to get there: as in experience, training, education. You might find that you don’t need a 4 year college education. Many careers require specific training, technical training or a 2 year degree. Some careers require no college at all. Once you figure out what you need to do to get where you want to be, you then have to figure out the options. For instance, what college is right for me? And then finding a college or program that fits YOU. It’s all about finding a college or program that fits who you are. Remember, the reason a career is so important is because at some point in the near future you want to be a self-supporting individual, able to provide for yourself. You also want to make sure you really enjoy or even love what you do because you will spend a large part of your day doing it. So take the time to think about what is right for you, not what others want you to do. If you just aren’t ready to commit to a certain career area, then at least move forward by taking some college classes to explore you interests. Get a job, volunteer and see what grabs your attention. There is no rule that says you have to go to college right out of high school. You also don’t have to do it in 4 years. Find the path that fits you best and sends you down the road to a career you love and the ability to support yourself.

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