Tell Someone…

Dear Teen,

If you or someone you know has suffered or struggled with any of the following things: abuse (physical, emotional, mental, sexual, date rape), suicidal thoughts, depression, neglect, eating issues, anxiety, low self-esteem…tell someone! And I don’t mean tell your friends because they are a great support system for you. Well, go ahead and tell your friends but tell a trusted adult too. Hopefully this would be your parents, but if not find another adult in your life that you trust; like a teacher, counselor, family friend. The sooner you get some real professional help the sooner you can begin to recover. Many people are afraid to tell, afraid they will get in trouble or get someone else in trouble. Many people are afraid to confront the issue, it might be too painful, or too disruptive to their lives. Many people are afraid to tell someone because of what others might think of them. But believe me, it’s a whole lot harder going around with a painful or difficult secret than to tell someone and get some help. That pain will never go away on it’s own, it settles into you and can start causing problems; like headaches, physical ailments, depression, anxiety, etc. But if you tell someone you trust and get the help you need you can start letting it go. I put abuse at the top of the list because many times abuse victims do not come forward, out of fear, shame or embarrassment. As a former abuse victim, I know how it feels to finally tell someone. I felt bad for so long and then just broke, told my favorite teacher and ended the abuse once and for all! I started to feel safer and freer. It is never the victim’s fault, no matter what your abuser may tell you. How could it ever possibly be a child’s or teen’s fault? You are still children!! You have done nothing wrong. So be brave and tell someone. You will never regret it. Even if you are concerned about a friend, do not keep it a secret. I have never seen a friendship break up because a secret was told and the person got help. Never. It’s also a risk worth taking. Always. The other issue at the top of the list is suicidal thoughts. ALWAYS tell a trusted adult. IMMEDIATELY. Don’t waste time thinking about the right thing to do, because the right and only thing to do is tell someone. If it is about a friend, I’d rather get them help than worry about wrecking the friendship or breaking the trust. So even if someone tells you not to ever tell…tell someone. It will be worth it.

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