Please Put Down Your Phone!


Dear Teen,

You are missing out on real connections with people! I know smart phones are here to stay (until they change into something even better), but I really believe our teens today are missing out on making real connections with people…you know, the  kind where you look someone in the eye, where you can observe body language, things like that. You might even miss out on that special someone flirting with you! And I mean in a real eye-catching way. Isn’t it more fun to watch the cute guy/girl you like actually walk by than looking at some lame comment on your phone?? The only fear of missing out is missing out on something live and real happening! In the moment! I’m not saying you should give up your phone, I would never even suggest it. But maybe set it aside once in awhile, as you walk through the halls at school or when you hang out with your friends. See how freeing it feels to not be constantly looking at your phone. I have had several teens tell me that they felt relief when they lost their phones and weren’t constantly checking it anymore. Sure they admitted it was scary at first, not being able to contact people or know their schedule, but they soon found out it was OK! They sought out their friends the old-fashioned way…by talking! In person! They found they could make plans in person! I’d love to see all teens pledge a no phones week and see what happens. I know I’m dreaming, but just think of the conversations that could happen! Things wouldn’t get lost in translation. You would be able to see the facial reactions of your friends and family and be able to respond to them appropriately, like with a smile or a real laugh out loud.

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