It Starts Out Being Fun

Dear Teen,

Drugs and alcohol are so alluring for teens because it really seems like it might be fun! It’s a party! They help you loosen up and not be so self-conscious. Everyone is doing it (actually it is usually less than half of the students in a high school who use drugs or alcohol). So actually lots of kids are not doing it too. You also might be going through a tough time and drugs or alcohol take away the feeling…temporarily. It can be a form of escape from something difficult or painful. But when the effects of the drug or alcohol goes away, the problem will still be there. So it starts out fun. Feels good. Then something happens to interfere with the fun; you get caught by your parents or the police. Maybe you or a friend overdoes it and something scary happens (like passing out, date rape, injury, hospitalization). But you continue to use and it then becomes fun with problems because your parents are watching you, you are on restriction, etc. Then your grades start going down, you have trouble paying attention or even caring about school and your other activities. Your parents don’t trust you. You end up in court. When you use drugs or alcohol you are always scared that someone will find out and you will be in even more trouble.

It starts out being fun….then fun with problems….then just problems.

Is it really worth it? Is it worth the risk? Is it really that much fun to be looking over your shoulder, worried about getting caught, not feeling good about what you are doing? I hope your answer is NO to all of these questions. Nobody starts out thinking “I want to be a drug addict or alcoholic!” but before you know it you could be heading down that path. Drugs and alcohol are addicting and keep you from being the real you. How can you possibly be your true self while under the influence of something? You can’t. You might think that drugs or alcohol make you feel free, but in reality you will have more freedom in your life if you are drug/alcohol free. Your parents will trust you, your friends will be real friends (not partying friends), your future will be wide open.

Drug/alcohol free = FREEDOM. Think about that. Isn’t freedom more valuable than getting high? I know you all want your the answer should be a resounding YES! If you need help getting away from drugs or alcohol don’t be afraid to tell an adult you trust. There are lots of us out there. And if you are using to escape something painful or difficult it is even more important to seek out an adult you trust to help.

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