Why a waterfall?

Maybe you are wondering about the connection between teens and a waterfall? Actually, my husband chose the name randomly but I really liked the sound of it and the possible meanings and connections. It quickly grew on me. There are the obvious connections like a waterfall can be powerful, beautiful, amazing. But you can also go over the falls, stand under the falls, swim right up to the falls. It made me think that teens and/or raising a teen can be all these things too, and more. So I decided to go with it and see where it carries me. You are welcome to go along for the ride.

Follow me as I add a new post at least 1x each week! I will try to cover every possible topic…and offer my ideas, advice and suggestions . I will also be adding more photos and art as I go along. The drawn art is by Michael McCroskey, the paintings and photos are by me. The original waterfall is a free photo because where I live the waterfalls are not this dramatic or beautiful, so my photos would fall short.

Waterfall Final

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