Stuck in the Middle

Dear Parent,

Co-parenting. What a concept. People get married, have kids, get divorced. What about the kids? I see teens in the middle of their parents drama all the time. I know this does not apply to all divorced parents because I have met some that are doing an excellent job of co-parenting! Since I know it is possible, I just don’t get why two parents can’t get along well enough to be effective enough parents even after divorce. It seems like one parent is always blaming the other parent instead of putting the kids first. Parents who fight and argue in front of their children are making a big mistake. Your children should never be involved in your adult issues! Once you involve them, they often start thinking that some of this is their fault, especially when you are fighting about them! So come on now. Can’t you just get along well enough for your kids? Hold your tongue if needed and be mature about being a parent. If you can’t, please get some help in being able to communicate with your ex. Communication is the key. You both decided to have kids together, now parent together! No matter what! OK, maybe if one of you has a mental or psychological issue it could make co-parenting more difficult. If this is the case, maybe you should defer to the recommendations of your doctor and/or therapist. But you can still co-parent! I have never seen any good come from one parent bad-mouthing the other, especially in front of their children. If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything! Literally. Just let it go, for the kid’s sake. Be the adult, be the parent. Please learn to co-parent. It will set an excellent example of how a relationship can work, even if you choose to not be married anymore. And your kids need as many good examples and strong role models as they can get. You, as parents, should be their ultimate role models!


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